2024-2025 STREAM Events:
October 8th - Summer Olympics Robot Mayhem
December (Date TBD) - Christmas Contest
January 28th (During CSW) - Mysteries Buried Deep
February 27th - Annual Family Puzzle Competition
May 1st - Spring STREAM (Bubbles, Flowers, Bees, and Butterflies)
Event Timeline:
5:00pm - Doors Open with Pizza Party
5:30pm - Challenge Announced
6:45pm - Wrap-Up
Science. Technology. Religion. Engineering. Arts. Mathematics.
“Technology is the application of knowledge to create useful things to solve problems and make life easier.”
We will use technology for God’s glory and our good (1 Corinthians. 10:31) to solve current scientific problems not for the destruction of God’s creation nor his people but to make the world a better place.
IS STREAM EDUCATION LIKE STEM EDUCATION? • STREAM is the necessary evolution of STEM Education • Science +Technology + Religion + Engineering + the Arts + Mathematics = STREAM • STEM Education emphasizes the progression of interdisciplinary studies in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; STREAM EDUCATION also incorporates the creativity and expression of the Arts and our faith as integral components of a 21st century Catholic education.
St. Francis S.T.R.E.A.M. Family Events will happen multiple times a year. A free will offering will be accepted to cover event costs. We are excited to provide this opportunity for our school families.