Our Catholic schools have a very complete and challenging curriculum. Our curriculum, classroom instruction and school activities challenge the children to achieve their full potential.

In an effort to provide consistency throughout the diocese, the diocesan curriculum outcomes have been standardized. Variety and creativity is applied to these outcomes in the way in which the individual schools and instructors present each lesson, utilize varied materials and resources, and assess student progress. Therefore, each school selects their textbooks, resource materials, manipulatives, and support materials to best accomplish the diocesan outcomes.

Additionally, each school has adopted a process of curriculum mapping. Curriculum mapping is a method of recording the reality of the curriculum--that is, what is actually taught in the classroom. Curriculum mapping ensures that school teams continually communicate what is taught at every grade level in every classroom. For instance, consider the following outcome:

Identify and give the values of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

On a teacher's curriculum map, the teacher will identify how this outcome will be taught, what textbook, worksheet, video, story, or activity will be used to develop the skill. Additionally, a teacher would indicate the manipulative materials to be utilized to reinforce the mastery of the skill or to review the skill. Finally, the teacher will indicate how she/he will assess student mastery. 

To best understand our students we view their education out of two lenses: a zoom lens into this year's curriculum for a particular grade and a wide-angle lens to see the preschool to graduation perspective. Each is dependent upon the other.