“St. Francis of the Lakes Catholic School, in cooperation with and in support of the family, is committed to challenging students to grow spiritually, academically and socially within a Catholic environment.”
Duluth Diocese Safe Environment:
It is the policy of the Diocese of Duluth that all volunteers who work with children, clergy and all employees:
• Read and agree to the diocesan Sexual Misconduct Policy and Code of Pastoral Conduct and Behavioral Expectations
• Undergo a background check
• Complete Youth Protection Training
• Each of the above elements must be completed before an employee begins work or a volunteer begins assistance and every five years thereafter.
All information obtained by the diocese will be kept confidential and maintained in secure files accessible only to those with a “need to know.”
Ways To Be Involved
The following are activities throughout the school year that take involvement from our community. Please consider signing up to help with these great opportunities. Watch for BOLD clickable links to become available for each event.
Kick-off Night
Gathering everyone together to start a new school year requires many hands. We will have a few extra jobs that we would love your help with.
Parent Coffee Social
Parents enjoy a chance to connect. Help us set-up this occasional event.
Food Drive
Twice a year we collect food for those less fortunate. Help is needed emptying the school box and delivering to the food shelf.
Spring Gala Class Project
Our class projects are always a hit on the auction and proceeds help support the school. Projects are due in April, 2 weeks prior to Gala.
Teacher Meals
Support our teachers and staff by providing meals during Parent Teacher Conferences, Teacher Appreciation Week, and special days as needed.
Office Help
Sometimes it’s copies, sometimes it’s bulletin stuffing, sometimes it’s a take-home project…but always it’s needed! Call 218-829-2344 to volunteer.
S.T.R.E.A.M. Family Events
These events need help with registration, picking up dinner and assisting with set-up.
Golf Classic
Help us put together our most fun summer event of the year! From hole games to registration, we could use your help! Call Carla at (218) 829-2344 to volunteer.
Fish Fry Fridays
Our annual Lenten tradition is a local favorite! It takes all our families lending a hand to pull this off each Friday of Lent! Watch your email for sign-up.
Books, books, oh so many books.
And dust. Always dusting to do. Call office to volunteer, (218) 829-2344.
Spring Gala
Our fun parent night out each spring. We will need many hands to sell tickets and game chances as well as helping to set-up auction.
Parent Breakfasts
Start the day in a special way! On designated days, we invite parent/guardians to join us as we start the day with breakfast.
Uniform Sale
August is a busy time prepping for school so helping hands to fold donated uniforms is a great help!
Click here to help!
Christmas Program Set-up
Student will be bringing cheer to our school community through the joy of music! Extra hands are needed the morning of our program to create the Christmas scene.
Family Fun Night
Join us in creating a fun night for the whole family. This event happens during the week of Catholic Schools Week.
End of Year Picnic
From grilling to set-up, from fliers to hauling…there is plenty of opportunities to help.
“There is a tremendous strength that is growing in the world through sharing together, praying together, suffering together, and working together.”
Foundation Dinner
Every fall the St. Francis Foundation hosts a delightful dinner fundraising event. Many are needed to help prepare and execute this evening. Call Carla at (218) 829-2344 to get more info.
Marathon Day
Everyone works so hard with their fundraising, now the day is here! Can you help with street security?
Catholic United Financial Raffle
We will be counting and logging raffle tickets January through March. We would love your help a morning or two!